in service of the
common good
On the 6th March an article appeared in the Australian Financial Review purporting to have been written by the high profile indigenous leader, Warren Mundine.
Read more: The article is either written with an appalling knowledge of Israel Palestine, the history and culture of its peoples’ or it is written with the explicit intention of promulgating a ‘fake narrative’, a perspective linking the struggles of the indigenous peoples of Australia with the ‘struggles’ of the Jews; whom the article would have us believe have the right to claim they are the ‘indigenous’ peoples of Palestine, to the exclusion of others. The article is so appalling that I cannot believe that Mr Mundine wrote it. I assume it was written by a person from within the powerful Israeli lobby who sought the ‘imprimatur’ of a respected indigenous Australian. The indigenous people of Palestine are Semites, those who speak a Semitic language, and have an unbroken link with the land over many generations. Some Jewish families are indeed in this category. However with the benefit of census data in the late 19th century and throughout the 20th century we know the majority of these people, Muslim and Christian, are Arabs. Many of these people trace their ancestry back to groups such as the Phoenicians and Philistines who occupied this land prior to recorded Israelite history and whose current descendants have never lived anywhere else. Those who are definitely not indigenous are middle class Jewish illegal Settlers who have taken up villas in settlements across the West Bank and who have come from places like Sydney, Melbourne and Manhattan. These settlers and their ancestors have long lived in other, often western, nations throughout the world. To link Jewish settlers with Australian indigenous people is awful from another perspective. In Australia we still have a long way to go to address the wrongs of the past and achieve appropriate acknowledgment, recognition and reconciliation. However we are on the road. On the other hand Israel’s behaviour towards the indigenous Palestinian population can be likened to the behaviour of white settlers towards the Australian Aboriginal people in the 19th century. Land is summarily confiscated without redress, olive orchards are bulldozed and livelihoods destroyed. Those who protest such privation are thrown into gaol. Yes Mr Mundine, there are acts of violence from Palestinians towards Israelis, as there were from Aboriginals towards the white settlers; violence that cannot be condoned. But the violence done to Palestinians, including Palestinian children goes mostly without censure, as it does in your article. Whoever wrote this article for Mr Mundine should I suppose be congratulated for their cunning, but Mr Mundine should have been far more astute before allowing his name to be used in this way – presuming this is what happened. If Mr Mundine did author the piece himself, one might ask what his motivation was; and would he now accept an invitation from the Palestinian community to live with them in Palestine for 10 days or so to gain an understanding of their plight, who is responsible, and what responsible action from the international community might look like. The article is mischievously misleading in other ways. Let me touch on one more – the recognition of Israel. It is true that the military wing of Hamas does not and will not recognise Israel’s right to exist, in the same way that a significant percentage of senior Knesset members are on record as saying Israel will never allow one inch of historic Palestine to become a Palestinian state. However all the peace talks since the Oslo accords of the 1990’s assume the existence of Israel and the recognition of its right to exist by Palestinian authorities. What the Mundine article mischievously ignores is that Israel no longer simply demands recognition of its territorial rights, but that it is recognised as Jewish State. This new demand is obviously difficult to accede to for those non Jews who live in its boundaries, let alone for the Arab population of greater Palestine. Israeli citizens of Arab descent already have 40+ restrictions upon them that do not apply to Jewish residents. There is no single Israeli passport, travel papers, such as they exist for non-Jews, do not protect the traveller in the same way or even provide the same right of return. England may well be for the English or France for the French, as Netanyahu argues to support his case, but no citizen of either country is discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity; under law all have the same rights. Israel cannot expect to be treated as a modern liberal democracy while it insists on the right to implement discrimination on the basis of race, nor can it expect respect as a civilised country when its actions against the Palestinians show all the signs of an apartheid strategy.
Narelle Friar
10/3/2017 09:16:47 pm
John Salisbury
10/3/2017 11:35:57 pm
Excellent rebuttal of Warren Mundine's strange piece.
Shuki Holtsman
12/3/2017 05:56:08 pm
There is no correlation between indigenous Aboriginals in Australia and European settlers in Australia
23/5/2017 05:06:16 pm
Correct. There is no correlation. The British sought to preserve the Aboriginal race and Israeli colonists seek to exterminate the Palestinians.
Marilyn Shepherd
11/3/2017 01:15:48 am
During the holocaust many Australian aborigines were caught up in the lie that Jews were indigenous to somewhere and just like the aborigines, it seems some like Warren have never learnt the facts.
Shuki Holtsman
12/3/2017 06:01:10 pm
Australian were caught up in the lie that Christians were indigenous to somewhere and just like the aborigines, it seems some like you have never learnt the facts.
23/5/2017 05:11:06 pm
Here is the real analogy. If the British and then later Australian Governments had set out to exterminate the Aborigines then there would be correlations with Israel and the Palestinians.
12/3/2017 08:20:19 pm
The Peoplehood and its related folklore and traditions and languages of BOTH Australia's 'First' People and that of The Jewish People evolved on and are based on what they consider to be their Traditional Lands. Those who claim otherwise are just plain wrong.
11/3/2017 03:00:59 am
Please get rid of or denounce Marilyn Shephers's clear slur against 1) Poles 2) Jews. We should stick to the point that injustice was done to Palestinians, rather than a general ethnic slur against another group . I suspect in fact that many traumatized Jewish refugees did not have the slightest clue what was going on at the time to Palestinian people, which makes the outcome, including the manipulation of their trauma even more tragic.
Otto Waldmann
12/3/2017 08:04:44 am
Very smart, Larry, not bad at all....Your half empty Jewish identity coupled with the other half , geshmatte advocacy ... identifies at once your single standard of transparent fallacies. You should be proud that we, your ab originae tribal mates, isn't that dumb, as to fall for your farcical pro-palestinian diatribes.
13/3/2017 06:46:16 pm
Ignore Otto's deranged commentary Larry. He's obviously demented.
23/5/2017 05:12:11 pm
There is no Jewish homeland because religions don't get land rights or homelands. Why would they? If they did all religions would have the same rights.
Shuki Holtsman
12/3/2017 06:07:25 pm
We should stick to the point that injustice was done to indigenous Aboriginals, rather than a general ethnic slur against another group . I suspect in fact that many European Christians did not have the slightest clue what was going on at the time to Aboriginals people, which makes the outcome, including the manipulation of their trauma even more tragic.
11/3/2017 07:28:21 pm
Great response to a very odd piece!
Susan Thomas
11/3/2017 08:33:35 pm
Your link to the Mundine article is to a subscribers only section of the website. Do you know anywhere where it can be accessed for free?
Narelle Friar
12/3/2017 04:30:57 am
Try this - but you may have to sign in to Financial Review.
12/3/2017 07:34:05 pm
You can read the AFR article here:
23/5/2017 09:57:33 pm
I bet you can read it on Jewish News. They probably wrote it for Mundine. Or he carried it home from a Zionist bunker in Tel Aviv.
12/3/2017 01:26:47 am
This response to Warren Mundine proves the ignorance and arrogance and bigotry of the author, and nothing else. I find it difficult to accept that a person purporting to represent Christianity would so patronisingly suggest that Warren Mundine is not his own man and cannot and does think for himself.
12/3/2017 04:38:23 am
Like Australia's First People, we Jews have unique traditions and culture and language and customs that evolved on and are based on what we consider to be our traditional lands. Some of our People have been there for over 3000 years. Christian and Muslim holy texts also attest to that.
12/3/2017 09:00:59 pm
A one-state outcome sounds like the most sensible way forward. A democratic state for all equally. Oh wait, the Zionist agenda of never ending expansion would never allow
13/3/2017 12:17:23 am
One state sounds ideal. But just consider the 'confessional' Lebanon.
23/5/2017 05:16:03 pm
Christians have been in Africa and India for thousands of years so you are saying they have rights to land there?
Narelle Friar
23/5/2017 10:53:46 pm
Loving your comments Roslyn.
12/3/2017 07:46:05 pm
As a Palestinian immigrant to Australia I quickly developed affinity to and solidarity with the Australian aborigines. I felt that the British colonial project was executed in Palestine and in Australia.
13/3/2017 12:22:29 am
While the superficial comparison of Today's Palestinian People with Australia's First People is appealing, that comparison blatantly ignores the 2500 year old unbroken presence of The Jewish People on the Land the Romans called Palestine.
23/5/2017 05:19:32 pm
So, a few Jews remained in Palestine after wandering in as colonisers, like many others thousands of years earlier? So what?
12/3/2017 11:18:44 pm
A brilliant and well reasoned article to an absurd piece.
Narelle Friar
23/5/2017 04:37:43 pm
Brillliant response Danny.
13/3/2017 08:26:49 pm
Thank you for this constructive response to this deplorable article presented by Mr Mundine.
Meyer Mussry
14/3/2017 03:55:21 pm
Bishop Browning's comments are so flawed, I can't believe that a representative of the Church would say those things. Why?
George Browning
14/3/2017 05:27:32 pm
Dear Meyer,
Meyer Mussry
14/3/2017 07:56:12 pm
Dear Bishop Browning,
23/5/2017 05:25:43 pm
First of all, State and Nation are modern concepts with no relevance whatsoever to tribal kingdoms thousands of years in the past.
23/5/2017 06:31:46 pm
Dear Meyer,
George Browning
14/3/2017 08:18:09 pm
Dear Meyer,
23/5/2017 05:03:18 pm
This is a good rebuttal but I would just make the point that it is impossible to compare the treatment of Aborigines in the 19th century, by the British, with Israel's consistent treatment of the Palestinians since 1947.
26/12/2017 10:30:49 pm
I am no fan of Zionism, but this idea that "Judaism is just a religion" is false. Jews have definitely seen themselves as - and been treated - as a distinct ethnic group for a long time. They were, and still are, flat out called foreigners and outsiders in places like Poland and Ukraine. I do not approve of much of what Israel does, but deny that at the very least European Jews are a people, is simply cruel.
26/12/2017 11:05:31 pm
The fact that Judaism teaches followers are a people is not particular to that religion. Many have done it but it does not make it true.
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